Saying that divorces are difficult is a massive understatement. Couples have many things to address and resolve before they can call themselves free again. It takes time, planning and more than a little bit of patience to reach the end of the process in even a simple divorce.
Logically, divorcing when one or both spouses have significant assets should be easier, right? After all, there is plenty to go around for everyone. In an ideal situation, this may be so, but few divorces are ideal. In truth, wealth and valuable assets complicate most divorces.
For example, to ensure a fair property settlement, it is vital to get an accurate valuation of all business and personal assets. That is no small feat.
We know you want to end your marriage as smoothly as possible and we can help you achieve your goals. You can reach out to our lawyers for personal guidance when you feel ready. In the meantime, here are a few tips to help you through a complex high-asset divorce.
- Organize information about your marital assets as completely as possible.
- Work to close all joint financial accounts.
- Do not talk about your divorce on social media channels.
- In a contentious divorce, consider whether your spouse is hiding assets.
- Ask your attorney if you can keep your sensitive information private.
- Seek all the support you can get from family and friends.
- Find a high-asset divorce attorney with plenty of experience.
Helping you through your divorce as smoothly as possible is our mission. Learn more about the services we offer by exploring our firm’s website.