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Prioritizing privacy in divorce

On Behalf of | Dec 22, 2021 | Divorce

Despite a growing number of social media accounts that center around couples and their personal lives, many people in Pennsylvania prefer to keep the details of their relationships private. That privacy often feels more important than ever when going through a divorce. While it is sometimes necessary to tell others about an upcoming or ongoing divorce, it can be helpful to set firm boundaries with others.

Not everyone needs to know

Divorce is a complex legal and emotional process. Even in the best of circumstances, it can feel as if it is taking over one’s life. It is not uncommon for divorcees to get the urge to tell everyone in their life in person. This is an overwhelming prospect though, and many find it easier to let loved ones know via:

  • Text
  • Voicemail
  • Email

Practice kindness

Treating oneself with patience, dignity and compassion is one of the most important things anyone going through a divorce can do. This may take practice, but it is often a worthwhile pursuit. Being tough and moving on quickly is not always helpful. Indeed, trying to push through things as if one does not care can actually be harmful during processes that require careful attention and focus, such as property division.

Those who value their privacy may also be interested in alternative dispute resolutions, such as arbitration or mediation. The details of divorce settlements are kept private in both arbitration and mediation. As an added bonus, reaching a conclusion is often much quicker and cheaper than taking everything to a Pennsylvania family law court.

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